Archive for March, 2002
Next Entries »New Web Forum!
Wednesday, March 13th, 2002Dabbler writes “I’d like to let everyone know about a page I’ve started as my contribution to the wealth of knowledge that is available on the Hempology and Cannabis Buyer’s Clubs web pages. Scott has written up a forum page, the purpose of which is for me to answer any questions any of you have [...]
Police Report from January’s Bust
Monday, March 11th, 2002This is the police report as written and submitted to the courts by the police officer who initiated the intial raid on Ted’s Books on January the 3rd, 2002: Constable R. O’Neill of the Victoria Police Department. Report To Crown Counsel – Narriative Police Case No. 02-305
Spain legalizing Medical Marijuana
Thursday, March 7th, 2002WeBeHigh has posted an article that says that All five political parties in the Catalan parliament in Spain have signed a proposal to legalise the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes. “The agreement asks the Catalan government to negotiate with the Spanish authorities so that cannabis-either as a drug or as a standardised extract of [...]
Selkirk College to offer Medical Marijuana Class
Wednesday, March 6th, 2002The Media Awareness Project has posted an article from the Valley Voice Newspaper about Selkirk College offering a course on Medical Marujuana. The course instructor is Brian Taylor from the Grand Forks Cannabis Research Institute ( and also the Grand Forks hemp Co. ) It’s aimed at people who want to grow and use marijuana [...]
Wednesday, March 6th, 2002By Ted Smith President, Victoria’s Hempology 101 Society VICTORIA’S HEMPOLOGY 101 SOCIETY For Immediate Release: Weds March 6, 2002 ST. PATRICK’S DAY CANNABIS CONVENTION Victoria, B.C.–The biggest gathering of cannabis activists in Vancouver Island’s history will be educating students and the public at Camosun College on St. Patrick’s Day during the 3RD ANNUAL CANNABIS CONVENTION. [...]
Letters of Support
Tuesday, March 5th, 2002[Over the past few weeks, letters of support have been pouring in from people concerned that the Government may try to put Ted in a cage for selling medicine to sick people. Here are some of the letters that have come in on paper. There are five letters being posted today; three from members, one [...]
Marc Emery’s home raided by Victoria Police
Tuesday, March 5th, 2002[This morning, Marc Emery, owner of Hemp BC and Cannabis Culture Magazine, had his Victoria home raided. The police found nothing and he is free, but the methods employed by the police force were beyond harassment; read more for details... Marc will be speaking at the 3rd Annual Cannabis Convention at Camosun College in Victoria [...]
THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT! Freedom to sell Medical Cannabis?
Monday, March 4th, 2002By Ted Smith Coordinator, Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs Of Canada On Weds. Feb 27, 2002, I was in court with Colby Budda and Gary Henry, as we are all involved with the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada and I have been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking cannabis for being caught selling medical marijuana. [...]
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