Archive for December, 2006
Doobie-ous Drivers Outdoing Drunks
Friday, December 29th, 2006While progress has been made in convincing Canadians of the perils of drinking and driving, there seems to be a lack of recognition about the danger involved with smoking up before getting behind the wheel, say police. A recent Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse survey shows driving under the influence of marijuana and hashish has [...]
Judge Rejects Story, Accepts Pot Case Plea
Thursday, December 14th, 2006She rejected Harry Emdin’s defence of duress, but a judge acquitted the Sault Ste. Marie man of two serious drug charges. Superior Court Justice Gladys Pardu found him not guilty last week of producing marijuana and possession of the drug for the purpose of trafficking. However, Pardu convicted him of simple possession for having more [...]
Medicinal “Weed” Helps the Ill: Doctor
Thursday, December 14th, 2006One day, when he was in a Jamaican hospital doing graduate research on chronic pain, Dr. Mark Ware noticed that some of his patients were coping with their pain much more easily than others. Intrigued, he asked an old Rastafarian his secret. “It’s the herb, Doc,” replied the man. That’s when the doctor found his [...]
Many Kids Useing Pot Before Tobacco:Study Says
Monday, December 11th, 2006MANY YOUNG ADULTS USING POT BEFORE TOBACCO: STUDY Some young people start off by smoking marijuana before they try cigarettes, says Dr. Scott Leatherdale, researcher at Cancer Care Ontario, University of Waterloo and University of Toronto. That’s quite the opposite of how things used to be years ago. “We do have some evidence that shows [...]
I’m 120 and My Joints Are Fine
Monday, December 11th, 2006A GREAT-great granny reveals how she has lived to be 120 … by smoking CANNABIS every day.Fulla Nayak – believed to be the world’s oldest woman – puffs “ganja�? cigars and drinks strong palm wine in her cow-dung hut in India. She lives with her 92-year-old daughter and grandson, 72, by the Indian Ocean. Fulla [...]
Wong Skips Out; Dozens of Cases Before Courts
Monday, December 11th, 2006THE alleged mastermind behind Manitoba’s largest marijuana grow operation has avoided prosecution by somehow slipping out of Canada while the subject of an undercover police investigation, the Free Press has learned. Khyong Wong — who also goes by the name of Simon Wong — is being sought on a Canada-wide warrant. His most recent address [...]
Holy Smoke Lawyer Argues “Lesser of Two Evils”
Friday, December 8th, 2006Marijuana: Case against local culture shop owners takes a turn as lawyer takes similar course argued by abortion activist Henry Morgentaler The lawyer for Holy smoke co-owners Paul DeFelice and Alan Middlemiss, and associates Akka Annis and Kelsey Stratas, will use a defense employed by abortion activist Henry Morgentaler to acquit his clients of their [...]