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Prohibition created a new industry – bootleg marijuana
By Hempology | July 9, 2007
Jun 07, 2007
Dr. Phillip Leveque
Medical Marijuana: What It’s About
If marijuana were taxed like cigarettes, it would erase the state and federal budgets financial shortfalls. We are making medical marijuana progress. About eleven states have now legalized medical marijuana.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) – Many people, medical cannabis users in particular, ask themselves and others, why is the use of cannabis illegal in the United States and other countries? The answer is not as complex as you might imagine. The illegality is based on several factors. Hempseed oil powered the first diesel engine. The powerful petroleum industry does not want farmers to grow their own fuel.
Hemp cloth is better in many ways than cotton. The powerful cotton industry does not want the competition. Hemp makes better paper and other wood substitutes. The powerful timber industry does not want that competition. Cannabis is an excellent medicine for many ailments. The pharmaceutical and medical professions do not want patients to grow their own medicine which is easily possible.
The final reason is really bizarre. It is well known that a person can get a euphoria high or stoned from an overdose of marijuana. This is somewhat like alcoholic inebriation but certainly not as dangerous.
In New Orleans, the rich white college students discovered jazz music by the black musicians, many of whom smoked marijuana. It was cheaper than booze and much easier to carry. The Hearst newspapers knew that listening to jazz music, dancing, and inhaling the marijuana fumes would drive the white kids crazy.
All of the above decided cannabis and marijuana were bad and any use of cannabis even for legitimate medical use must be made illegal and stopped. Well, surprise to nobody, this did not stop marijuana growing and use. It just produced a new industry–bootleg marijuana.
Now even the U.S. government reports that 70,000,000 Americans smoke marijuana and the non-taxable value of the industry is worth at least ten billion dollars per year. British Columbia grows at least that much and probably so does California.
If marijuana were taxed like cigarettes, it would erase the state and federal budgets financial shortfalls. We are making medical marijuana progress. About eleven states have now legalized medical marijuana.
It is not a harmful drug like morphine, alcohol or even aspirin, but highly beneficial. Keep reading, we’ll try to cover the whole nine yards.
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a combat infantryman, Physician and Toxicologist.
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