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CBC of C Cannaplasts

By Hempology | March 7, 2008

By Gayle Quin

Cannaplasts are a poultice made of recycled plant material produced in the making of cookies and oils, wrapped in new cheesecloth. They are applied directly to insect stings and bites, varicose veins, sore joints and muscles. They relieve arthritic inflammation and rheumatic pains. Cannaplasts may also be used to help sore or inflamed eyes, pull sties and alleviate pinkeye. They are warmed and place upon upset or cramping stomachs, irritable bowels, or used for menstrual cramps. Also use on broken bones, sprains, strains and bursitis, for appropriate lengths of time. They work best if you apply some massage oil first.

Warm Cannaplast by steaming or dry frying over low heat. Keep warm by wrapping with a towel.

Keep cold by applying an ice bag over the Cannaplast, then wrapping with a towel. May contain cannabis butter, olive oil or grape-seed oil.

Drink as much water as possible while using a Cannaplast to assist your body in flushing toxins the Cannaplast may release. 

Tape Cannaplast directly over affected area. (If skin is broken, cover with sterile gauze and put cannaplast on each side of wound). Tape Cannaplast in place for 10 days to 3 weeks to help heal broken bones. (Replace Cannaplast with a fresh one every 23 days.) Sprains and strains may lake longer depending on extent of damage and state of personal health. Apply directly to insect stings and bites, varicose veins, sore joints and muscles. Relieves arthritic inflammation and rheumatic pains. Cannaplast may be used to pull infections. Make size of cannaplast slightly larger than infection, and replace twice a day. Do no! re-use Cannaplast used on infections. Dispose of appropriately.

Store in the freezer between uses. Each Cannaplast may be used several times if it is not applied to infection or directly onto bleeding. (Raw bud is best for this.) For sensitive skin, rub some cannabis massage oil on skin first. If skin is broken, cover with sterile gauze first and arrange the cannaplast as close as possible without getting in the wound. Keep Cannaplast in place with a tensor bandage or first aide tape. Make sure not to impede circulation.

Cannaplasts may also be used to relieve sore or inflamed eyes. Pulls sties and alleviates pinkeye. Warm and place Cannaplast on upset or cramping stomachs, irritable bowels, or menstrual complaints. Cannaplasts may be used to treat Is‘ degree burns and chemical burns not requiring medical attention.2″” and 3′” degree burns should always be seen by your doctor. Cannaplasts are an excellent muscle relaxant and provides superior pain relief, including migraines. May be used with your regular pain medication.

Cannabis can be used to replace almost any type of allopathic medicine, from diuretics to anti-depressants – ear oil to throat sprays, and salves to reduce tumours. Extracts have been found to be effective on everything from bacteria and fungi, to the herpes virus and staphylococcus that are resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics. You can virtually make medicine from every part of the noble cannabis plant, be it male or female, kola, root or seed. That one of the planet’s most precious plants is still oppressed must be one of our society’s greatest travesties.

Topics: CD-14th, Summer 2007, Recipes | Comments Off

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