CD-15th, Fall 2007
VICS Trial Continues, by Ted Smith
Friday, November 30th, 2007The VICS Trial continues to slog on with dates set for Nov. 26-30, followed by 11 more days starting on Feb 11, 2008. The trials have been very interesting to sit through with witnesses such as Senator Pierre Claude-Nolin, who advocates “at best�? full legalization with regulation similar to alcohol, or “at least�? see existing [...]
Updates, Warnings and Suggestions, by Gayle Quin
Friday, November 30th, 2007A special thanks to all those who participated in this years round of Hempology Contests, and we hope you winners thoroughly enjoy the bragging rights you earned! 12th Anniversary of International Hempology 101 was well attended, with a march around town ending up at our winter location at the Ministry of Health Building. We have [...]
Officials Take Pot Shots at Canadian and US Athletes, by Veronica Horn
Friday, November 30th, 2007Marijuana is taking time and resources away from catching the real cheaters in sport, one of Canada’s top drug testing officials said. Athletes who occasionally smoke marijuana and get caught shouldn’t face severe penalties, so drug testers could focus on steroids and other drugs athletes use to enhance performance, said Joseph de Pencier of the [...]
Hello folks, by Skip LaFleur
Friday, November 30th, 2007Today could have been a wonderful, beautiful day, full of sunshine and birds, here in Victoria B.C. but, as has been for the last year, it was chilly and metallic grey. The reason for the “grey year�? is aerosol sprays, or chemtrails. When you awaken in the morning, look outside at the sky. You will [...]
Mandate and Advertising Information
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007Advertising Information: call Ted Smith: (250) 381-4220 Donations Gratefully Accepted Annual Subscriptions to printed version of Cannabis Digest: $10.00 cdn Contact CANNABIS DIGEST at: (250) 381-4220 or Cannabis Digest is a quarterly publication of the International Hempology 101 Society, which provides current legal, medical, and political updates concerning the medicinal use, growth and supply [...]
Tuesday, November 20th, 2007Thanks to all our contributors: Ted Smith, Gayle Quin, Veronica Horn and Skip LeFleur