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East Coast Hempology 101 Conventions

By admin | October 18, 2012

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Lecture 4: Hemp Products

By admin | October 18, 2012

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B.C. favours sensible marijuana policy

By admin | October 5, 2012


Shannon Corregan: B.C. favours sensible marijuana policy

Last week, delegates at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention voted in support of the decriminalization and taxation of marijuana.

This vote was in accordance with the principles of the Sensible Policing Act put forward by the Sensible B.C. Campaign, which aims to decriminalize the possession of marijuana, regulate its use (i.e., prohibit minors from using it, just as we do with tobacco and alcohol) and call on the federal government to allow B.C. to investigate how to best tax it for revenue.

Many of the articles covering the UBCM vote described it as a “controversial” motion – perhaps because this topic has been controversial in the past – but you have only to look at the latest Angus Reid poll to see that a majority of British Columbians support the legalization of marijuana possession (as do a majority of Canadians, though the percentage of supporters is higher on the West Coast than in Canada as a whole).

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2012 Lecture 3 Pot In Politics featuring Dana Larsen

By admin | September 27, 2012

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Les Leyne: Pot resolution sets B.C. on a new path

By admin | September 27, 2012


Les Leyne: Pot resolution sets B.C. on a new path

Mainstream B.C. stood up in public Wednesday and moved the marijuana debate much closer to decriminalization than ever before.

The resolution passed at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention in Victoria is the clearest indication yet of how far the “get tough with criminal pot smokers” stance has eroded.

More than 500 delegates considered a motion that declared the status quo a failure and urged decriminalization of marijuana, coupled with research on regulation and taxation.

After a passionate debate, they passed it by open show of hands. It was endorsed by such a clear margin – probably 60 per cent plus – they didn’t even bother to count the votes.

It’s just a recommendation to senior governments, so it has no legal effect. Lots of UBCM resolutions get ignored, and this one could get placed in a drawer as well. But it’s an unmistakable sign of which way the wind is blowing.

These were locally elected officials responsible for communities all over B.C. They are the collective personification of the establishment, and they showed loud and clear that they don’t buy the discredited establishment line any more. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lecture 2: The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937

By admin | September 20, 2012

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Lecture 1: Cannabis before Christ

By admin | September 19, 2012

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Pot-club operator is happy to pay taxes

By admin | September 19, 2012

Pot-club operator is happy to pay taxes

times colonist

By Les Leyne, Times ColonistSeptember 18, 2012

Ted Smith is the happiest new taxpayer you can imagine. The longtime marijuana advocate was only too happy to go public recently with news that the Canada Revenue Agency has sent him a demand note for about $150,000 in back taxes.

That’s based on just the last few months of operation of the long-running pot-buying club Smith runs for the benefit of people with various medical afflictions.

“In many ways this is a wonderful thing that’s happened,” he told reporters at a news conference. “Paying taxes – has been my dream since the beginning,” he said.

Few recipients of demand notes from the tax collector talk like that. His enthusiasm obviously stems from the fact that paying taxes further legitimizes the club and is another step down the road toward decriminalizing marijuana.

And there’s not much doubt that the finance arms of most governments would be as happy to tax Smith as he is to pay the taxes. Because the financial numbers he referred to – backed up by findings in an earlier court case – are startling. Read the rest of this entry »

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Press Conference about the Taxman

By admin | September 14, 2012

Ted Smith, founder of the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada

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2012/13 Hempology Lecture Series Begins at UVic Today, Wed. 12th of September.

By admin | September 12, 2012


The International Hempology 101 Society



Victoria, BC. (Sept. 12, 2012) – The International Hempology 101 Society announces that the 2012-2013 Hempology lecture series, hosted by Ted Smith, will begin today, continuing through the fall and spring semesters. This will be the first year that the lectures will be held at Cinecenta, every Wednesday between 3pm and 4pm, followed by 420 gatherings on the grass near the SUB, all of which is open to the public. This is also the first time that the lectures will be accompanied by Smith’s new textbook, Hempology 101: the History and Uses of Cannabis Sativa. What’s more, if you can’t make it to Cinecenta in person, you can watch live at, or later on Hempology’s YouTube channel at

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