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Cookie Trial Verdict Friday April 13th

By admin | April 10, 2012

For Immediate Release

Tues April 10, 2012

Victoria, B.C.: A decision in the bakery trial of the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada will be handed down by Justice Johnson of the Supreme Court of B.C. at 9:15 am on Fri. April 13, 2012. Head baker Owen Smith, charged with possession of THC for the purposes of trafficking and possession of cannabis, has asked Justice Johnson, through lawyer Kirk Tousaw, to strike down the cannabis laws in Canada as unconstitutional. A press conference will be held at the Burdett St. entrance to the courthouse at 10:30 am.

Owen was arrested in a downtown apartment in the middle of baking cookies in Dec. 2009. The trial finally started in Jan. 2012, with CBC of C founder Ted Smith taking the stand first, followed by 4 members of the club and expert witness, Dr. David Pate. Defense testimony focused upon the benefits of eating or topically applying cannabis and inconsistent information provided by Health Canada.

Crown lawyer Peter Eccles used the testimony of Health Canada scientist Dr Abramovici to explain why Health Canada has created the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations to allow patients to grow cannabis but not make any products from it. Eric Ormsby, another employee of Health Canada, acknowledged that no plant has gone through the drug approval process and that the MMAR is being restructured.

The Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada has been providing cannabis products to people with permanent, physical disabilities and diseases since Jan 1996, making it the oldest dispensary in the world. Now with over 3,900 members, the CBC of C offers 30 different food and skin cannabis products. The recipes are available at:

For more information call 250-381-4220 or email

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Victoria calls for tax on pot rather than prohibition

By admin | April 3, 2012

The City of Victoria is calling on the the government to ‘do the right thing’ and asking other municipalities to do the same.


By Danielle Pope – Monday Magazine
Published: March 29, 2012

City Council asks other municipalities to join in letters of support for regulation over prohibition

Victoria may not see pot shops allowing you to legally buy regulated marijuana anytime soon, but a recent motion from Victoria City Council has shown directed intent on the issue: a unanimous decision to support a regulatory approach to cannabis control over prohibition — and a request for surrounding municipalities to do the same.

The motion, which resolves that “The City of Victoria supports the taxation and regulation of cannabis to address the ineffectiveness and harm of cannabis prohibition,” was approved with no discussion upon its third reading at City Hall during the March 22 council meeting. The motion also states that the city “agrees to write to municipalities in the Capital Regional District, the Union of BC Municipalities, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Provincial and Federal Ministers in the Justice and Health departments to inform them of our support.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Victoria council deems pot good, pipelines bad

By admin | March 20, 2012

Victoria council deems pot good, pipelines bad


By Bill Cleverley, March 16, 2012

Proposed oil pipelines proved more contentious than pot for Victoria councillors this week as they went on record opposing the former and supporting the latter.

A motion put forth by Coun. Ben Isitt supporting the taxation and regulation of cannabis passed without debate.

The resolution noted that laws against pot have fuelled “an increasingly violent illegal market with expanding organized crime involvement” and that B.C. municipalities are being forced to bear an increasing financial burden dealing with grow-ops and enforcement.

Victoria will write to other municipalities across the country and to federal and provincial justice ministers informing them of council’s position. Read the rest of this entry »

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VIU hempology club says it aims to dispel myths surrounding cannabis plants

By admin | March 20, 2012


Ted and Andrew

VIU hempology club says it aims to dispel myths surrounding cannabis plants
Walter Cordery, Daily News
Published: Monday, March 19, 2012

Members of Vancouver Island University’s Hempology 101 club held a symposium Sunday to explain the medicinal and other benefits of hemp.

The purpose of the second Cannabis Convention at VIU was to try to educate the public about misinformation the club believes is disseminated to the public.

VIU hempology club president Amie Gravell said many people think of hemp, or cannabis, as something that people use recreationally or medicinally. She would like the public to know of the natural benefits hemp offers. “There are myriad of ways that hemp can be used – from medicinal marijuana to increasing an individual’s Omega 3 fatty acids by eating hemp seeds,” Gravell said
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Convention promotes benefits of cannabis

By admin | March 15, 2012

Convention promotes benefits of cannabis

By Chris Hamlyn – Nanaimo News Bulletin
Published: March 15, 2012 11:00 AM

There might not be a better time for a cannabis convention.

With calls for the legalization of marijuana from former B.C. attorneys general, former Vancouver mayors, current Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and B.C. health officials making headlines, it’s a good time to get the issues out the public.

The Cannabis Convention, organized by the International Hempology 101 Society and Vancouver Island University’s Hempology 101 Club, takes place Sunday (March 18) from 1-4 p.m. in Bldg. 200, Rm. 203 at VIU.

Ted Smith, society president, said as each year passes, it seems more people are realizing the benefits that cannabis has to offer and the follies of prohibition. Read the rest of this entry »

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V.I.U. Hempology101′s 2nd Cannabis Convention

By admin | March 6, 2012

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Dana Larsen at the 13th UVSS Cannabis Convention

By admin | March 6, 2012

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Blake Hunter at the UVSS Cannabis Convention

By admin | March 6, 2012

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2nd UBC Cannabis Convention

By admin | March 1, 2012

For Immediate Release

Thurs March 1, 2012

Victoria, B.C.: This Sunday March 4, the UBC Hempology 101 Club will be hosing its 2nd Annual Cannabis Convention featuring some of the top activists and researchers in Vancouver. With students clubs at UBC, Vancouver Island University and the University of Victoria, combined with the Cannabis Digest newspaper, Hempology 101 is a leader in providing education about cannabis to students and the public. The 2nd Annual UBC Cannabis Convention is from 1 to 4 pm in room 207/209 of the SUB Building. It is free and open to the public.

Jodie Emery will be the key-note speaker, giving everyone an update on the status of her husband, Marc, who just passed the half-way point of his sentence in the US for trafficking seeds. Read the rest of this entry »

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UVic Reeferendum Passes

By admin | March 1, 2012

For Immediate Release

Thurs March 1, 2012

Victoria, B.C.: In a referendum held this week, students at the University of Victoria voted in support of the weekly 420 meetings of the UVSS Hempology 101 Club getting an exemption from the new smoking by-law. While the vote was closer than the club had hoped for, 52% is still a victory.

Here is the wording of the Reeferendum: Do you support a directive to the UVSS Board of Directors, to ask the University of Victoria to create an exemption to the smoking ban that would allow the Hempology 101 Club to hold their weekly meeting at the UVic central quad.?

Here are the numbers: Ballots 3335 Spoiled 2 Valid Ballots 3333 For 1731 Opposed 1602 51.94%

Since the new bylaw came into effect last Sept, the weekly 420 meetings have been help near the Sub Building. At this point, the executive of the Hempology 101 Club plans upon meeting with the new president, Emily Rogers, to discuss possible legal avenues. The smoking policy does have a built in mechanism for an exemption for traditional ceremonies.

The UVSS Hempology 101 Club is the largest student club at the University of Victoria.

For more information see or call 250-381-4220.

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