Trust a key ingredient of cannabis cookies, court told
By admin | January 27, 2012
Trust a key ingredient of cannabis cookies, court told
By Louise Dickson, January 24, 2012
A cannabis expert agreed Tuesday that people eating medical marijuana cookies would have to trust their baker.
David Pate, who holds a masters degree in biology and a PhD in pharmaceutical chemistry, agreed with Health Canada’s information for health-care professionals, which states that precise dosages of cannabis have not been established.
“The complex pharmacology of cannabinoids, interindividual differences in cannabinoid bioavailability, prior exposure to and experience with cannabis, the variable potency of the plant material, and different dosing regimens used in different research studies all contribute to the difficulty in reporting precise doses or establishing uniform dosing schedules,” Crown prosecutor Peter Eccles read into the court record.
“Natural products all have that foible,” said Pate, who was testifying at the trial of Owen Edward Smith, the head baker for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada. Read the rest of this entry »
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Nothing unique about dried pot, court told
By admin | January 27, 2012
Nothing unique about dried pot, court told
By Louise Dickson, Times Colonist January 24, 2012
A cannabis expert has concluded that there is no scientific or medical basis to differentiate between whole dried marijuana plants and cannabis resin.
On Monday, David Pate, cofounder of the International Hemp Association, told B.C. Supreme Court Justice Robert Johnston that the two primary therapeutic compounds of cannabis (THC and CBD) are found in the resin.
“The plant matter itself is not a desired therapeutic component,” Pate wrote in an affidavit entered into evidence at the trial of Owen Edward Smith, the head baker for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada.
“This is because plant matter can contain a variety of harmful or unwanted compounds which may include heavy metals, fertilizer residue, pesticides, moulds and insect remnants.” Read the rest of this entry »
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Mayor’s letter to minister becomes evidence in pot trial
By admin | January 18, 2012
By Louise Dickson, Times Colonist January 18, 2012
Mayor’s letter to minister becomes evidence in pot trial
In March 2006, former Victoria mayor Alan Lowe wrote to Tony Clement, then federal health minister, asking him to immediately review Canada’s medical marijuana regulations “to determine where improvements can be made to ensure a better quality of life for those Canadians in need of medical assistance.”
The letter, written on behalf of Victoria city council, was entered as evidence Tuesday at the trial of Owen Smith, head baker for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada (CBCC).
Smith, 29, has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking THC, one of the active ingredients in marijuana, and unlawful possession of marijuana on Dec. 3, 2009. Read the rest of this entry »
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Court urged to snuff out medical pot access rules
By admin | January 18, 2012
Ex-baker for cannabis buyers’ club launches constitutional challenge
By Louise Dickson, Times Colonist January 17, 2012
Ted Smith, left, Owen Smith and lawyer Kirk Tousaw share thoughts outside the Victoria courthouse Monday.
Photograph by: Darren Stone, Times Colonist, Times Colonist
A Victoria man who was the head baker for the Cannabis Buyers’ Club of Canada has started a constitutional challenge against Health Canada’s medical-marijuana access regulations.
Owen Edward Smith, 29, was charged on Dec. 3, 2009, with possession for the purpose of trafficking THC, one of the active ingredients in marijuana. He is also charged with unlawful possession of marijuana.
Smith was charged two years ago after the manager of the Chelsea apartments on View Street complained to police about a strong, offensive smell wafting through the building. Police arrested Smith and obtained a search warrant.
They discovered the suite was being used as a bakery. Officers recovered substantial quantities of cannabis-infused olive and grapeseed oil, as well as pot cookies, destined for sale through the club. Read the rest of this entry »
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CBCoC Court Challenge
By admin | January 13, 2012
Jan 9, 2012
Victoria, B.C.: In a profound case of nature versus science, the bakery trial of the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada has 20 days of court time scheduled to begin Mon Jan 16. This trial stems from a raid on a downtown apartment in Dec 2009 when Owen Smith was arrested and eventually charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking THC and possession of cannabis.
Expert witness for the defense, Dr. David Pate, will submit evidence that THC, not the plant material, is primarily responsible for many of the medical benefits of cannabis. He will prove that there is no scientific justification for cannabis resin or other active chemicals in cannabis to be illegal, especially edible and topical products like Owen was making, when the herb itself is legally available through the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations. Synthetic THC is sold at $8 per pill. Read the rest of this entry »
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Help the UBC Hempology 101 Club!
By admin | January 10, 2012
Help the UBC Hempology 101 Club!
Barely a year old, the UBC Hempology 101 Club needs your help to get
things happening on campus. The founding president and most of the
executive have just resigned because they wanted to promote the uses
of hemp without addressing the harms of prohibition, the medical
benefits of cannabis or activism. It is strange they would have
joined Hempology 101 at all because our goal has been the legalization
of cannabis since before I became involved with it 17 years ago.
My name is Ted Smith and I am the president of the International
Hempology 101 Society. We also have student clubs at the University
of Victoria, where I teach a free, non-credit lecture series, and
Vancouver Island University in Naniamo.
If you have not heard of the history of Hempology 101 check out our
many web pages, especially the forums which you can find on the right
side of the page. There is also a new section in the forums
that has been created for the UBC Hempology 101 Club so feel free to
check it out and post your thoughts. Read the rest of this entry »
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IMMW Teds T-Shirt Auction!
By admin | January 7, 2012
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Ron Paul Quotes on Hemp
By admin | January 6, 2012
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Jails don’t keep people out of jail
By admin | January 6, 2012
Jails don’t keep people out of jail
Collectively, we have nearly 10 decades of experience in the area of corrections and conditional release. There are many issues we have disagreed over, but we are united in our concerns with the direction of the Harper government’s “tough on crime” agenda.
In a country that prides itself on fairness, compassion and the pursuit of equality, why do we accept the idea that community safety will be enhanced through increased incarceration?
‘Invisibility’ experiments
At both the federal and provincial levels, Canadian jails are overcrowded. It is becoming common to see double- and triple-bunking of inmates in cells designed for one. This overcrowding limits access to already scarce rehabilitative programming and increases the incidence of institutional violence. The fastest-growing portions of the inmate population continue to be those most marginalized within our society: the mentally ill, women and aboriginals. Decades of reports have detailed our correctional systems’ failure to reasonably address the needs of these offenders and limit their numbers. Read the rest of this entry »
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Top Doctors In BC, Want Decriminalization Of Cannabis
By admin | December 27, 2011
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