UVSS Hempology101 2011 Lecture Series Schedule
By admin | September 12, 2011
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Residents turn up noses at marijuana odour
By admin | September 11, 2011
Residents turn up noses at marijuana odour
Marijuana odours irk neighbours.
Pirjo Raits
By Benjamin Yong – Sooke News Mirror
Published: September 07, 2011 5:00 AM
The pungent smell of marijuana plants is one that is becoming a little too familiar to some residents in Sooke.
RCMP Staff Sergeant Steve Wright said an issue has recently emerged in the community where people with medicinal marijuana licenses, issued by Health Canada, have been growing the plants and venting the smell outside—and neighbours have been complaining.
“They have the fans going for a certain period of time to vent all that moisture and heat in the house (into the atmosphere),” said Wright.
“If they vented late at night where there weren’t people outside, it might be a viable option. But to just vent on a warm summer day, people can’t sit outside and enjoy their property.”
Wright likened the act to a band practicing in a residential neighbourhood with loud instruments. He said residents have been looking to the RCMP for enforcement, but there is currently nothing to enforce. Read the rest of this entry »
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Hempology’s 16th Anniversary
By admin | September 11, 2011
A Very Hempy Sweet 16
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Debate: Legalize marijuana?
By admin | September 11, 2011
Debate: Legalize marijuana? And a look at demand side policies in the U.S. war on drugs
Vote Here
Should marijuana be legal? (Sep. 11)
Yes 94.39% (3,044 votes)
No 2.36% (76 votes)
Only for medical use 3.26% (105 votes)
Total Votes: 3,225
By Shannon O’Neil, CFR.org
September 7th, 2011
12:04 PM ET
The “drug war” strategy of the last four decades revolves primarily around supply side measures. Whether eradication, interdiction, or arrests, it fixates on stopping the seemingly endless flow of drugs and cash across U.S. borders . But there is obviously another side to the equation – U.S. demand. The United States is the largest consumer of drugs across the globe (though there are signs that the cocaine and marijuana markets in Europe and the developing world are catching up) with 1 in every 7 Americans having tried an illegal substance. Marijuana accounts for the vast majority of that consumption, followed by prescription drugs and cocaine. Read the rest of this entry »
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By admin | September 6, 2011
For Immediate Release
Sept 6, 2011
Health Canada Helps Celebrate Hempology 101`s 16th Anniversary
Victoria, B.C.: Multiple events will mark the sweet sixteenth birthday of the International Hempology 101 Society on Sept. 7, 2011. Traditionally, on the first Wed. every Sept., the University of Victoria Student Society Hempology 101 Club gets together at 4:20pm to kick off the school year. That is followed later in the evening by a march from City Hall to the B.C. Legislature where the group takes a postcard picture and gives out annual awards.
Fortune lead Health Canada to choose Sept. 7 as the day meetings to discuss proposed amendments to the MMAR will be held in Vancouver. The president of the International Hempology 101 Society, Ted Smith, will be attending the morning session of these meetings representing the Cannabis Buyers’ Clubs of Canada, the oldest medical cannabis dispensary in the world. Read the rest of this entry »
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Regulate Marijuana Like Wine 2012
By admin | September 4, 2011
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Hempologys 16th Anniversary!
By admin | September 4, 2011
Come Celebrate Hempology’s Sweet 16 this wednesday!
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Marijuana clinic was ‘model’ facility
By admin | September 4, 2011
Published: August 31, 2011 3:00 PM
Updated: August 31, 2011 3:17 PM
Editor: I am writing in regards to my husband Ross Hubbs. He is dealing with dementia, and has been for the last 12 years. He is quite aware of where dementia takes a person. I have his general practitioner’s and specialist’s approval to allow him to use medical marijuana. I would not want to be facing what he faces every day. Would you?
I applied on his behalf through the federal government for a license to have a supply. I told them that at that time B.C. Compassion Club in Vancouver would be his supplier.
B.C. Compassion Club is not a satisfactory source with the federal government. I must grow my own or find someone with a license to grow for me. I did not have a secure place to grow, nor the inclination to do so. Read the rest of this entry »
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Health Canada Helps Celebrate Hempology 101`s 16th Anniversary
By admin | August 24, 2011
For Immediate Release
Aug 24, 2011
Health Canada Helps Celebrate Hempology 101`s 16th Anniversary
Victoria, B.C.: Multiple events will mark the sweet sixteenth birthday of the International Hempology 101 Society on Sept. 7, 2011. Traditionally, on the first Wed. every Sept., the University of Victoria Student Society Hempology 101 Club gets together at 4:20pm to kick off the school year. That is followed later in the evening by a march from City Hall to the B.C. Legislature where the group takes a postcard picture and gives out annual awards. Read the rest of this entry »
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CTV: Health Canada debating future of medical marijuana
By admin | August 17, 2011
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