CBC of C Meeting with Health Canada
By admin | June 26, 2011
In response to concerns heard from Canadians, the Government of Canada announced on June 17, 2011 that it is considering improvements to Health Canada’s Marihuana Medical Access Program. The proposed improvements would reduce the risk of abuse and exploitation by criminal elements and keep our children and communities safe.
The details of this proposal are outlined in a consultation document titled: Proposed Improvements to Health Canada’s Marihuana Medical Access Program available on the Health Canada website at: http://web.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/consultation/marihuana/_2011/program/index-eng.php. While you are invited to submit comments on the proposed improvements outlined in this document until July 31, 2011, Health Canada is also seeking the opportunity to discuss the proposed changes with your organization in more detail. Read the rest of this entry »
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Aglukkaq confirms plan to tighten medical marijuana rules
By admin | June 26, 2011
Aglukkaq Leona Aglukkaq, Canada’s Health Minister listens to a reporter’s question during an announcement in Ottawa June
20, 2011. Medicinal marijuana users will be prohibited from growing their own weed and will have to obtain the drug
from licensed, commercial producers under a new national marijuana supply program. (ANDRE FORGET/QMI AGENCY)
Aglukkaq confirms plan to tighten medical marijuana rules
Medicinal marijuana users will be prohibited from growing their own weed and will have to obtain the drug from licensed, commercial producers under a new national marijuana supply program.
Federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq unveiled the “new supply and distribution system” Friday.
Licensed commercial producers, who would be inspected and audited by Health Canada so as to ensure that they comply with all regulations, would be able to cultivate any strain of marijuana they choose, Aglukkaq said in a statement.
The minister said that the government “is very concerned that the current Marijuana Medical Access program is open to abuse and exploitation by criminal elements.”
Improvements to the program will reduce the risk of abuse, Aglukkaq said, “and keep our children and communities safe, while significantly improving the way program participants access marijuana for medical purposes.”
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Hemp Car – Kestrel
By admin | June 14, 2011
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Mandatory Minimum Terms for Cannabis Cultivation: How Crazy are the Harper Conservatives?
By admin | June 13, 2011
By Neil Boyd 13 Jun 2011
Vancouver Sun
One of the most foolish and costly planks of the Conservatives’ so-called get tough on crime agenda is their plan to impose mandatory minimum terms of six months imprisonment on those who grow at least six marijuana plants.
It is instructive to consider the likely impacts of such a proposal. A 2005 study of seven years of marijuana cultivation arrests in British Columbia revealed that more than 80 per cent of growers did not have guns or traps at their sites, were not involved in organized crime, and were not involved in any theft of electricity. In other words, most marijuana cultivation takes place without imposing significant threats upon the surrounding community. Further, and this apparently needs to be said repeatedly – the consumption of cannabis is much less likely to lead to significant harm and premature death than the consumption of the perfectly legal and socially acceptable drugs — alcohol and tobacco — even when rates of use are taken into account. Read the rest of this entry »
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Canada offside with UN report on war on drugs
By admin | June 6, 2011
The StarPhoenix June 3, 2011
Its ranks include a former secretary of state for the United States, a past secretary general of the UN, recent heads of state for Switzerland, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, and Greece’s current prime minister.
Hardly the kind of basement-dwelling potheads one might expect to come to the conclusion that the 50year-old global anti-drug strategy has been a colossal failure.
A report from the Global Commission on Drug Policy found that not only has the “war on drugs” caused untold misery to millions by escalating the level of violence in the industry, violating human rights, contributing to the spread of disease and making treatment strategies difficult to implement, but it’s had little success in stemming the spread of drug abuse. Read the rest of this entry »
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High-level commission declares drug war unwinnable
By admin | June 2, 2011
CTV.ca News Staff
According to a new report, not only is the global war on drugs a failure, but unless governments shift their focus from criminal justice to public health the problems will just keep getting worse.
The damning conclusion was arrived at by a 19-member commission that includes former heads of state, a business mogul and the current prime minister of Greece.
Acting under the banner Global Commission on Drug Policy, theirs is the highest-level panel to ever reach such conclusions on the international approach to curbing illegal drug use. Read the rest of this entry »
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Sign Now: 24 hours to End the War on Drugs at Global Level
By admin | June 1, 2011
To Ban Ki-moon and all Heads of State:
We call on you to end the war on drugs and the prohibition regime, and move towards a system based on decriminalisation, regulation, public health and education. This 50 year old policy has failed, fuels violent organised crime, devastates lives and is costing billions. It is time for a humane and effective approach.
548,420 have signed. 500,000 target reached on Tue May 31! Now let’s reach 750,000. If everyone uses both social media and real world connections to share this message today we could easily double the number of signatures.
Update June 1 2011
Amazing! In just a few days, we blew past our goal of 500,000 voices calling for an end to the war on drugs. Our message will be hand-delivered to world leaders on Thursday, June 2 at a press conference in New York and to the UN Secretary-General on Friday, June 3. The event will feature a live counter of petition signatures, so every one of us counts — let’s keep spreading the word and building this campaign!
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Locked in litigation
By admin | May 30, 2011
Medical marijuana users have sued the government because they believe the system doesn’t work. In many cases, the court has agreed. Yet there’s a reluctance in Ottawa to loosen laws any further
By Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun Columnist May 24, 2011
Fraser Valley lawyer John Conroy has been fighting for marijuana legalization for 40 years, but changes in legislation have been slow in coming.
Fraser Valley lawyer John Conroy has been fighting for marijuana legalization for 40 years, but changes in legislation have been slow in coming. Read the rest of this entry »
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101 Free Hemp Burgers at Courthouse
By admin | May 19, 2011
For Immediate Release
Thurs May 19, 2011
Victoria, B.C.: The 1st ever free hemp burger barbeque will be held on the back lawn of the Victoria courthouse this afternoon at 1pm.
This hemp barbeque will be an opportunity to celebrate a small victory for Owen Smith, baker for the Cannabis Buyers Clubs of Canada, and raise awareness about his 20 day jury trial set to commence on Jan 16, 2012. On Dec 3, 2009, Owen was arrested in a downtown apartment building making edible and topical cannabis products and was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking cannabis and possession for the purpose of trafficking THC.
While cannabis is legally available for medical purposes in Canada, the Marijuana Medical Access Regulations are fraught with problems. For example, while it is legal to grow and smoke cannabis, if it is cooked in butter and pressed through cheesecloth, then an illegal drug has been produced. Synthetic THC, Marinol, is available by prescription.
A preliminary inquiry was set for May 19 and 20, at which time lawyer Kirk Tousaw was prepared to argue the charge of PPT cannabis should be dropped to mere possession. Crown lawyers were not able to find a police officer willing to suggest that the less than 1 gram Owen had in his possession was for trafficking. With no expert witness, crown was forced to drop the charge to simple possession.
Now with over 3,600 members, the CBC of Canada has been operating in Victoria for over 15 years and is the oldest medical cannabis distributor in the world. The CBC of C has 29 cannabis food and skin products that help relieve inflammation, relax muscles, reduce pain and provide other benefits.
The hemp burgers will feature BC Bud’s Barbeque Sauce, made in Vancouver, hemp buns made at the Bakery on Broad and a hemp burger recipe made by Ted Smith. The barbeque will be both Thurs and Friday. This is a trial run for the 20 day jury trial in Jan, at which time the International Hempology 101 Society plans upon giving out 101 hemp burgers every single day Owen is in court.
For more information call 250-381-4220, email hempo101@gmail.com or check out hempology.ca.
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Nanaimo advocate eyes Ontario marijuana ruling
By admin | May 15, 2011
Nanaimo advocate eyes Ontario marijuana ruling
Pam Edgar, a medicinal marijuana advocate and user, wonders
what a recent Ontario superior court ruling against the federal government’s marijuana medical access regulations will mean for patients in Nanaimo and across Canada who use marijuana
to alleviate disease symptoms.
Chris Bush/The News Bulletin
By Chris Bush – Nanaimo News Bulletin
Published: May 13, 2011 10:00 AM
Updated: May 13, 2011 4:09 PM
A recent Ontario superior court ruling against the federal government’s medical marijuana regulations has a licensed medical marijuana user in Nanaimo wondering where she and other patients across Canada stand legally.
Pam Edgar, host producer of CHLY Radio program Living Health, is a medical marijuana advocate. She is also a patient who uses the drug to control chronic pain from nerve and bone damage to her left leg from a motorcycle accident in 1975 and muscle spasms triggered by multiple sclerosis, which she was diagnosed with in 1988. Read the rest of this entry »
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