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MMJ: No Imminent Threat To State Employees

By admin | August 7, 2011

MMJ: No Imminent Threat To State Employees

The Justice Department is now downplaying its threat to prosecute state employees who regulate or license purveyors of medical marijuana.

Recall the April 14 letter from U.S. Attorneys Jenny Durkan in Seattle and Michael Ormsby in Spokane to Gov. Chris Gregoire regarding the medical marijuana bill then in the Legislature.

They said the people in the medical cannabis trade might be prosecuted under federal law. Read the rest of this entry »

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Doors still open despite raid

By admin | August 7, 2011

Doors still open despite raid

Medical supplies: Staff at the dispensary has continued to sign up new members despite a raid last week by RCMP. Shown here during the dispensary’s opening in April are Ryan Steplock, Britney Anne and Jordan Kuyvenhoven

Burnaby’s medical marijuana dispensary is still signing up members after being raided by the Burnaby RCMP last week.

Burnaby’s first medical marijuana dispensary opened on April 15 at 4927 Kingsway.

“The doors are still open,” said Dana Larsen, a director with the Metrotown Medicinal Society, on Wednesday. “We’re still doing what we can to help people.”

However, the society is unable to provide patients with medical marijuana as part of the bail conditions set after three people were arrested in the raid last Thursday, he said.

“We’re hoping to provide medicine in the future,” Larsen added. Read the rest of this entry »

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McGinn signs law regulating medical marijuana shops

By admin | August 3, 2011

McGinn signs law regulating medical marijuana shops

Medical marijuana dispensaries will be regulated in Seattle like any legal business under a new law signed Wednesday by Mayor Mike McGinn.

The law requires medical marijuana shops to obtain business licenses, abide by building codes and follow public-health regulations. For example, they would have to obtain food permits if they sell marijuana-infused foods such as cookies. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ted Smith Access Television Pt1

By admin | August 3, 2011

Shaw TV’s “Island Justice” with host Roger Batchelor

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Compassion Club in Courtenay still helping people

By admin | August 3, 2011

Compassion Club in Courtenay still helping people

By Scott Stanfield – Comox Valley Record
Published: July 26, 2011 5:00 PM

Police seized several pounds of marijuana and arrested two people last week at the North Island Compassion Club.
It was the second bust this year at the Sixth Street establishment in Courtenay, the first happening in February when four people were arrested.
Club manager Ernie Yacub, who is also a director of the non-profit society, was arrested last Wednesday but released with a promise to appear. Read the rest of this entry »

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Compassion Club shut down by Police

By admin | August 3, 2011

Compassion Club shut down by Police

2011-06-23 15:20 PDT

Chilliwack, BC: On June 21, 2011, the Chilliwack RCMP was notified, through a tip that was received by the City of Chilliwack, of a marihuana Compassion Club known as “Be Kind Medical Clinic” was operating out of a business store front at 46144 Yale Road. Police confirmed with Health Canada that no medicinal marihuana licences exist for the business owner or the business address. One man was arrested in the connection with the illegal club and is awaiting charges. Read the rest of this entry »

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Burnaby medical marijuana shop raided by RCMP

By admin | August 3, 2011

Burnaby medical marijuana shop raided by RCMP

A medical marijuana dispensary was raided by the RCMP in Burnaby yesterday, the latest in a string of crackdowns against B.C. pot distributors this summer.

Federal police agents made three arrests and seized marijuana, patient files, personal computers, and business documents during yesterday’s noon-hour raid of Metrotown Medical Marijuana Dispensary. Read the rest of this entry »

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New marijuana dispensary proposed for Langley

By admin | August 3, 2011

New marijuana dispensary proposed for Langley

The Langley Medical Marijuana Dispensary that was shut down by police will be revived under new management and a different “member-driven” structure.

Randy Caine made the announcement Tuesday night at a public meeting with more than 100 supporters at the Douglas Recreation Centre. Read the rest of this entry »

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Health Canada Pulls the Plug on Growing

By admin | July 29, 2011

From Cannabis Digest #29

Health Canada appears ready to make things a lot worse for medical
cannabis users.

Proposed amendments to the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations will
take away both legal options patients have to produce their own
medicine. More drug companies will be granted authority to produce
and distribute cannabis.

Some of the amendments may improve a patient’s ability to access
cannabis products but there is no guarantee that they will work. Time
will tell.

Court decisions, political pressure and complaints from stakeholders
have forced Health Canada to admit that there are serious problems
with the current situation. Unfortunately, the government has decided
to stop the only part of the program that was even coming close to
meeting the needs of patients. Read the rest of this entry »

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The ‘snicker factor’ aside, Hemp is serious business

By admin | July 17, 2011

Hemp is fast becoming a staple of daytime TV as Oprah, Dr. Oz and others extol the health virtues of hemp oil, protein powders and pasta. At the same time, industrial interests tout it as a potential base for products ranging from textiles to car parts. As a result, demand is surging in the United States, Germany and Japan.

But American farmers are prohibited from growing hemp. That leaves farmers in Canada – where it’s been a legal crop since 1998 – free to tap the growing U.S. interest in hemp-based products. Read the rest of this entry »

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